Each social landlord, be that a local authority or a housing association, is responsible for setting their own rents, but within a cap set by the Welsh Government, as outlined in their Rent and Service Charge Standard
In autumn 2024, the Welsh Government announced that the maximum increase that can be applied to social housing rents for 2025/26 will be capped at 2.7% overall.
If you are interested in reading more about the reasons for this uplift and how it will be applied, have a look at this useful article written by Welsh Housing Quarterly: https://whq.org.uk/2023/10/27/minister-caps-social-rent-rise-at-6-7-next-year/
The Welsh Government asked all Registered Social Landlords (this means housing associations like us) to set rents based on a number of local affordability factors. In response MHA implemented a new Living Rents based Local Rent Policy, which came into effect from April 2021.
All rents are now set in accordance with this policy – which you can view here.
To read more about how the Local Rents is calculated, visit our About Local Rents page.
For 2025/26 MHA will be increasing rents overall by 2.7% in line with the cap set by Welsh Government.
Your personal rent letter, which you will have received in January 2025, will tell you how much you need to pay from April 2025.
We are keen to hear feedback about our annual rent increase letters, so if there is anything in them that you would like to see changed, please get in touch.
Service Charge increases are calculated on quotes received from suppliers or estimations based on last year’s actual cost and including a % uplift.
This will usually be linked to Consumer Prices Index (CPI). Service charge increases and an explanation of these can be found on your annual rent increase letter.
New charges will applied from 1st April 2025, and you will have been notified of the change by letter two months before the increases apply.
If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit, MHA will notify the council of any increase that may be applicable, who will then contact you separately.
If you are in receipt of UC you will need to report any change with your new rent details to the Department of Work and Pensions on or after 1st April 2025. MHA will be in contact with you regarding this process and can provide support if required.
If you pay your current rent by Standing Order and there are any changes to your rents or service charges, please instruct your bank to pay the new amount for rent and service charge due from 1st April 2025.
If you pay by Direct Debit, we will make any necessary adjustment to your payments and notify you in writing. Please note that you need to pay your rent and service charge a full week in advance as stated in your tenancy agreement.
Welsh Government: Here to help with the cost of living | GOV.WALES
Monmouthshire County Council: HOUSING SUPPORT – Monmouthshire
Citizens Advice: Citizens Advice Monmouthshire County – Cyngor ar Bopeth Sir Fynwy (monca.org.uk)
StepChange Debt Advice: StepChange Debt Charity. Free Expert Debt Help & Advice