How We Can Help
The service is available to both MHA tenants and other people living within Caldicot, Abergavenny, Usk and surrounding areas.
Our experienced Support team provide tenancy and/or a range of housing-related support to people in housing need. Ensuring the support is ready when it is needed, and the root causes are addressed, leading to a meaningful outcome and positively improving the individual’s health and all-round wellbeing.
Our friendly officers take a person-centred approach, meaning the individual is absolutely at the forefront of everything we do, and will design a support plan that is unique to their own personal situation and needs.
Areas included in a support plan might include:
- Support to manage your tenancy, look after your home and cover rent
- Claiming the right benefits
- Managing debt, budgeting and saving money
- Setting up your home
- Access training, employment or volunteering
- Support with your mental health and wellbeing
- Feeling safe in your own home and the wider community
- Relationships
The Team have supported 98 people over the year and have achieved fantastic outcomes with our approach.
If you or someone you know could benefit from this service, get in touch or attend one of our drop-ins.

Drop-in Surgeries
The service has also seen the development of two drop-in surgeries one in Caldicot and the other in Abergavenny, enabling people to access the support or advice they need to prevent crisis.
The surgery in Caldicot is held every Wednesday between 12 noon and 2 pm at TogetherWORKS in Caldicot and the surgery in Abergavenny is held every Thursday between 10 am and 12 noon at Mardy Resource Centre.
The service is funded through the Housing Support Grant, contracted by Monmouthshire County Council.
Case study