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    Everybody deserves a warm & safe home

    As well as your rent, your gas and electricity are your priority bills – if you don’t pay them, you run the risk of your gas or electricity being cut off by your supplier, and we really don’t want this to happen.


    There are a number of ways you can help control your energy costs, and a variety of schemes introduced that can help you.


    If you are struggling and use a prepayment meter, your energy supplier may be able to provide short-term emergency top-ups. Ofgem have lots of advice on their website too, which is worth a look: Getting help if you can’t afford your energy bills | Ofgem

    Heating your home more efficiently

    Sean, our Heating Services Manager, shares how you can use the heating equipment in your property more efficiently.

    How to use your combi boiler efficiently thumbnail
    Using your air source heat pump efficiently thumbnail

    More handy tips for saving energy and money

    MHA is working towards making customers’ homes warmer and more energy efficient – helping you to save energy and reducing our impact on the environment as part of our green pledge.


    Check out these tips for ways you can help reduce your energy costs:

    Turn your thermostat down – for each degree you reduce the thermostat, you can expect to cut bills by about 4% or around £65 a year on average for a typical household.
    Sign up to ‘Get Water Fit'– search Google for ‘Get Water Fit’ offered by Welsh Water, to find out how to claim free water-saving devices and start saving.
    Don’t assume all energy-saving light bulbs are equal – LED bulbs use about half the energy of the fluorescent spiral ‘energy-saving’ bulbs. Obviously turning the lights off when you’re not in the room helps too – you could save up to £14 a year.
    Turn draught detective – walk around your home spotting window and door draughts – why not invest in a sausage dog draught excluder! Decent draught-proofing can cut about £30 a year of energy bills on average for a typical household.
    Cut your shower time – cutting just a minute or two off your shower time could save £75 a year in energy bills, and a further £105 a year in water bills if you have a meter.
    Wash more clothes less & try not to use the tumble dryer – make sure you fill up the machine, use colder settings and fewer loads per week and you could save around £10 a year. If possible, try to use an airer instead of a tumble dryer (make sure you leave a window open, as it can cause damp in poorly ventilated homes), and you could save up to £40 a year.
    Think “how many cuppas am I making?” – the more water you boil, the more energy you use. So don’t overfill the kettle and it’s possible to save about £8 a year.
    Don’t leave your devices on standby – although it’s not the problem it used to be, it’s still good to turn off your devices rather than leaving them on stand-by.
    Use radiator thermostats – thermostatic radiator valves are an extra control which you can use to set the temperature of each individual room. Don’t heat the whole house when you’re spending all day in one room.

    Energy Advisors

    MHA and partners – have joined forces to provide tenants with specialist energy advice and support, in the light of rising energy costs. We recognise things keep changing, but we are continuing to work on new ways to help you through these uncertain times.


    The service offers:

    • Energy Advice, Support and Education: support and advice to help you understand energy bills and maintain a warm & safe home
    • Money Maximisation: Support reducing energy and water bills
    • Understanding and using the most effective sustainable fuel payment methods for you
    • Offering access to emergency support in the form of emergency top-up grants, vouchers and food packs *where eligible
    • Finding out the fuel offer from companies supplying Monmouthshire to ensure you are getting the best deal

    Help with your water bill

    Welsh Water have recognised many customers will struggle to afford essentials over the summer period and have launched a new campaign to help families in receipt of free school meals.  You could receive up to £230 off your water bill.


    For more information, visit:


    Check if you’re eligible and apply online.

    Get in touch

    If you'd like to find out more about our Energy Advisor service and how they could help you save money, then get in touch with us.
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    Monmouthshire Housing Association Limited is registered in England & Wales and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Industrial and Provident Society with charitable rules Registration No 30087R, and is registered with the Welsh Government as a Registered Social Landlord Registration No L144. Registered Office: Nant-Y-Pia House, Mamhilad Technology Park, Mamhilad, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, NP4 0JJ.
    © Monmouthshire Housing 2024
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