Delighted tenants received their keys to their affordable new homes in Wyesham, Monmouth.
The development comprises 8 x two bed and 3 x three bed houses, available for social rent through the Monmouthshire Homesearch affordable housing list.
The modern, energy efficient homes will both reduce the heating, hot water and light bills, as well as significantly reduce the carbon impact on the environment. The average family produces 6 tonnes of CO2 per year, and these MHA’s new homes can expect to produce up to 0.4 tonnes.
Constructed by our in-house construction company Capsel Homes, the £2.333m development is supported by £1.514m social housing grant and housing finance grant funding from Welsh Government.
A new vicarage was also built as part of the land agreement with the former landowner. It uses the latest technology including a heat pump and solar PV after taking a fabric first approach to energy efficiency.
Karen Tarbox, Director of Property Services said:
MHA are passionate about doing the right thing for it’s customers, communities and planet. We have taken a fabric first approach to reduce energy consumption over the life of the buildings. This reduces the carbon impact as well as help residents to manage their energy bills.
We wish all the residents a very merry first Christmas in their new home.
Councillor Emma Bryn, Ward Member said…
I am delighted to see these much-needed homes in Wyesham. The provision of affordable housing is essential to keep our community thriving, so I was delighted to see this piece of brownfield land utilised in such a beneficial way, providing wonderful homes for so many local families in time for Christmas.